Archive | January 13, 2013

Being Young at Heart :))


Way back to October 2012, that was the last month of the first semester of the first academic year for my second year stay in college, whatever, I joined a texter’s clan called Young Hearts Clan, acronym-ed as YHC.

It is an Ilocos-based clan and I am here in Manila so it was kinda weird (Really? Well… I’m just at lost for words. Haha). Anyway, it was kind of fun. When I go for unlimited texting promos, I have many recipients to send some irrelevant and out-of-the-blue messages. At least, my money was not wasted, in that sense.

So, here am I. I will try to chronicle some of my activities as a member and give some highlights (!) on these stay. And of course, through this, I will be opening your eyes to the ins and outs of a   texters clan :))

